Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pilipinas 3-way Reunion Show: Forgiveness Denied, Sauna and Richard Collier

Three of the best dead bands will be playing together for one night; Forgiveness Denied, Sauna and Richard Collier. A sunday matinee show organize by the good folks at Non-Compliant Issue. May 23 at Ten02 Bar. Together with the Philippines' finest.

Bane In Laguna

Yes, I missed the Ruiner show last April 5. And I guess, I will be missing this show too. Anyways, come to this once in a lifetime show. It will be great, fun and exciting! The show is billed on Laguna. 4026.05.19.2010:

Aspire's Back!

You got that right folks! Aspire is back. First issue is out on May 2010(this time it will come out). It will feature interviews by five local bands from the Philippines; Fist Foundation(Olongapo City), Standing Firm(Iligan City), Shirley Steinberg(Malolos City), the mighty Piledriver(Laguna) and a reprint interview by The Beauty of Doubt. Plus, other usual zine stuffs.

Anyways, sorry for the long delay.